People who wear glasses may meet some situations that people who don’t wear glasses don’t know. Today we’ll talk about what troubles people wearing glasses may meet.
- When you watch a film in the cinema, you may find that your face can only handle one pair of glasses which makes it difficult to watch a 3D movie. You may complain to your friend, “I’m not able to see anything.” Then he’ll tell you, “So go to sleep. And let me watch it in peace.”
- You just finished your makeup and put on your glasses. Then you find that mascara is on the lenses which always makes you annoyed.
- When there is a sudden rain, your friends may say to you, “Bro, getting wet in the rain is just too much fun.”But you wish your glasses have wipers.
- When you go dancing, your glasses are really easy to fall and then they’ll get broken by others. Every dance becomes a “break”
- When watching TV at home, you want to lie down comfortably, but there is always uncomfortable to lie when wearing glasses. Comfort is not an option. You have to sit and watch TV.
- Glasses can also get in the way of romance. When you want to kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend, always need to take off the glasses.
- When you have time, you may spend hours getting your glasses spotless since you think they’re unclear all the time.
- When you wear new glasses in the office. Your colleague may come and say, “Wow, new glasses!”Wow, new color! I like it!” They may take it off your face and have a try on. Maybe someone may say, “These are so powerful. It will make me go blind, you only keep it.” After trying on, your glasses become so dirty but no one cares.
- When you inhale deeply of your cooking or coffee, there is always fog on your glasses.
- When you’re taking a picture or video with others. You just look at the wrong side. “The camera is in this side.” Yes, you may meet this awkward moment sometimes.
That’s it! So how many of the things listed above you have met in your daily life?
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