How to Use Your Shades Longer

How to Use Your Shades Longer

How to Use Your Shades Longer

Sunglasses is a must-have among accessories and they do have beneficial functions, like anti-UV rays and protect our face skins. Choosing a pair of high-quality sunnies that can realize UV protection is essential for us. However, do you know the methods to take care of your sunnies to prolong their life? Here we’ll talk about some easy ways for you.


1. Adjust Your Sunglasses

When you got a pair of sunnies, you might find it easy to fall or slip, it means that it doesn’t fit your face shape perfectly. In this situation, you’d better go to the shop and find employees to adjust for you, or you can do it by yourself if you have tools. This small adjustment makes sure you would carry them with you all the time.


2. Replace the Old Lenses

We may find lenses are cracked or scratched after usage, some may search for another to take place of them. However, we can also take some eco-friendly actions, like change the lenses. It is a good way to make your old sunnies “New” again. When you’re considering of replacing your lenses, you’d better choose wisely. For instance, if you want to reduce the refelections from snow, water, you can choose polarised lenses. It can reduce glare. If you are seeking for a durable one, you can purchase polycarbonate lenses. They are lighter and more durable.


3. Do Not Put Your Sunglasses on Your Head

There are two reasons to avoid wearing shades on the head. First, if you wear them on your head often, the earpieces might be stretched and this makes them easy to slip. Then, they cannot accompany you for so long. And the second reason is mainly for girls, yep, if you wear shades on the head, they may get caught in your hair and yank your hair when you want to take them down. Imagine this situation, this can be painful!


If you have some bad habit with your sunglasses, you’d better remind yourself and find better ways to keep your shades longer.


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